Student Promotions


Congratulations to the following Indianapolis Gracie/Brazilian Jiu Jitsu martial arts students who recently received promotions:

LAST UPDATED: October, 2024

Purple Belt Promotion Dwayne OConner - 4th degree

Blue Belt Promotion Jon Wolf - 1st degree

White Belt Promotion Richard Wofford - 2nd degree
Chris Miller - 1st degree
Austin Reilly - 3rd degree
Greg Howell - 1st degree
Thomas Tijerina - 2nd degree
John Polley - 1st degree
James Gregory - 3rd degree
Abby Puster - 1st degree
Greg Blair - 2nd degree
Megan Flagle - 2nd degree
Shawn Halberstad - 2nd degree
Cleo Pennington - 4th degree

Kids Belt Promotion Krzysztof Ounanian - White/Gray - 4th degree
Brooke Zamora - White - 4th degree
Christine Zamora - White - 4th degree
Heidi Zamora - White - 4th degree
Maci Harris - Gray
Oliver Markowicz - White - 3rd degree
David Blair - White - 3rd degree
Timothy Carender - White - 3rd degree
Luciana Marques - White/Gray
Riko Kuramoto - White - 2nd degree
Julian Marques - White/Gray